Crescent Beach, Lockeport

This is Crescent Beach in Lockeport, Nova Scotia. It’s a white sand causeway that connects the peninsula of Lockeport to mainland Nova Scotia.

Lockeport Beach

Crescent Beach is beautiful. We strolled barefoot in the fine white sand, with a warm summer breeze on our faces, the waves of the incoming tide washing up over our toes. If you’re searching for amazing beaches in Nova Scotia, this is definitely one to visit. Lockeport is often referred to as the ‘Beachtown of the North Atlantic’ due to its closeness to the shipping lanes in the Atlantic. Crescent Beach interpretative centre shows history of the town of Lockeport. The centre is also a fully equipped visitor information centre, including brochures, travel councilors, and public access computers.


Upon leaving Lockeport, we noticed this scene on the side of the road. All these little boats were so cute, we had to stop to snap a photo — or two.Lockeport6886

miniature boats Lockeport

 Crescent Beach Lockeport

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