Advocate Beach Walk

Welcome to Advocate Harbour!


Advocate is a small fishing village between Cape Chignecto and Cap D’Or. We usually stop beside the church and walk along the dyke out to the beach, but today we stopped at the sea wall with beach ramp.

Advocate6110The ramp at the sea wall is wide enough so you could drive a 4×4 truck over, right onto the beach here. I wasn’t brave enough to drive our car onto the beach, though.



If you walk along the dyke, the panorama below is the view back at this seaside village. Click on the image below to view in higher resolution.

Advocate Harbour


At low tide, the fishing boats rest on the harbour floor.AdvocateWharf6228

The entrance to Cape Chignecto Park’s Visitor Center and hiking trail can be found on the north side of the village.

Advocate6022 AdvocateChignectoVS6028


Advocate Beach

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