The Sunrise Trail

For a scenic drive along the ocean, there’s the Sunrise Trail along the Northumberland Strait coastline of Nova Scotia.  In many areas here you can see farmers’ hayfields nestled up right to the shoreline, making for great photographic opportunities.

Sunrise Trail Nova ScotiaAn old tractor parked in a hay field makes for a great photo.



In Pugwash, check out the Thinker’s Lodge. I grew up in this area and didn’t discover it until last summer.

Thinkers Lodge Pugwash
For lunch, try stopping at Whirligigs in Wallace, or the Train Station Inn in Tatamagouche. Oh, and I highly recommend sampling the beer at Tatamagouche Brewing CoTataBrew4780..

_DSC4987hwy_1024 _DSC5055hwy_1024 _DSC5030hwy_1024I find it strange to see farmland so close to the ocean like this. Usually you think of large exposed rocks, cliffs and rugged beaches, but along the Northumberland Straight  you’ll find sandy beaches just teaming with shorebirds and wild life.yellowlegs5329Heron
baby rock crab

If you’re looking to cool off on a warm summer’s day, there’s fantastic public access to sandy beaches at Heather’s Beach and the Gulf Shore picnic park for swimming. Both beaches have change rooms and bathrooms.


Heathers beach Nova Scotia

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