Video Tour of Port Royal

Port Royal was the first permanent French settlement established in present-day Canada, and the second in North America.

It’s truely an eye-opening experience to see how the French tradesmen lived a life of self-sufficiency, months away from their homeland – 400 years ago!  Could you survive?

Click the image below to explore a multi-scene Interactive VR scene for iPad and Android. Explore the wine storage room in a High Dynamic Range (HDR) virtual scene and return to the courtyard to watch video and view costumes of the period, complete with narration.

Port Royal Courtyard

The skills required to survive back then are lost to most of us now… history in Nova Scotia has much to teach us.

Port Royal Canon

This is simply an amazing place to see and a truly interesting to explore for the entire family.

Click the image below to explore an Interactive VR scene on the gun platform.

Panoramic at Port Royal Nova Scotia

You may also be interested in our Port Royal Nova Scotia travel video.Port Royal Travel Guide

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