Hiking Cape Chignecto – Video Tour

Having spent my teenage years growing up in the Amherst area, I am utterly ashamed of not discovering Cape Chignecto until recently.

I had always heard this was a spectacular place to go sea kayaking and hiking but never found the time. That was my loss as the views are simply spectacular here. The photo below is from the first look-off along the trail at the Eatonville side of the park.

Cape Chignecto Cliffs

Sea Stack Creation

This is an example of the information placed along the hiking trail. You know what you’re looking at and are told informative and interesting background.

Sea stacks like this one have been shaped by the ebb and flow of the tides. A sea stack is the result of the natural erosion of the coastal headlands. Typically, the ocean wears a hole through the headlands first, creating an arch that slowly expands over time as the cliff face erodes. Ultimately, the arch collapses, leaving a sea stack.

Sea Stack at Cape Chignecto

Here I am resting on a bench, waiting for Carolyn to catch up.

Cape Chegnecto Hiking Trail

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