Peggy’s Cove

Our tour of the lighthouse route wouldn’t be complete without including Peggy’s Cove. We arrived at sunrise, intending on a magic light shoot, but nature decided to start the day with thick fog.

Peggy's Cove road sign

I don’t know about you, but doesn’t it just seem more beautiful to see this majestic lighthouse in dense fog?

Lighthouse in fog

The harbour there is so very picturesque in the fog as well.



Classic Peggy's Cove in fogIt didn’t take long for the fog to start burning off.  If you want to avoid crowds, consider arriving very early in the morning.

Peggy's Cove harbour

As the fog cleared, we were able to get a better view of the rocks and the ocean. It’s advisable to heed the signs warning of the waves, as people do get swept off the rocks every year.

lighthouse peggy's cove

warning sign peggy's cove

Peggy's Cove Warning Sign

lighthouse peggy's cove

You can really get the scale of this place once there are people in the photo. One of my favourite photos of all summer was this one below, shot using my iPhone, go figure. I guess “the best camera is always the one you have with you“!

Peggy's Cove lighthouse best shot ever

Carolyn managed a similar shot below with her Nikon, but I like the one above.


fishing shack peggy's cove

Peggy's-Cove-Lighthouse-2115Once the fog cleared at 8:30 am, we went back to the village harbour to get some more scenic shots.




If you come here, take some time to just sit on the rocks and listen to the ocean. You’ll be glad you did – it’s the BEST part of coming here.


Watch the video below to get a sense of the ocean sounds.

You may also be interested in our Peggy’s Cove Nova Scotia travel video.

Peggy Cove Travel Guide

We suggest getting here early on a summer’s day, because the crowds start arriving at 9 am.


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