Our basecamp for production in Nova Scotia is at our cottage at Jackson’s Point, Nova Scotia.
For those of you that have cottages on that beach, the oh-too-familiar sound in the distance is the the Jackson’s Point One Lung Dory. It is (at least we think is) possibly a 1900 Lathrop One Lung Marine Engine. This early 1900s one-lunger is a 2 Cycle Marine Engine made by J.W. Lathrop, Mystic Conn..
Bill Fairbanks of the Green Rd. owns this dory. He was only out on the water once last summer, and I so missed that loud sound coming from the dory off in the distance.
Audio auto starts on computer, IOS devices you need to push the play button.
Audio credit: Ben Hutchins
I SO need to interview the owner of the dory!