Sunrise Trail

_DSC6029hwyb_1024The Sunrise Trail travels along the north side of Nova Scotia, wending along the Northumberland Strait. Lots of farm country here, where meadows are bounded by salt water marshes and ocean. The countryside is picturesque, the air is fragrant and fresh, the drive is lovely.

The weather over these past few weeks has been cooler than usual. Clouds moved in, bringing the cooler temperatures, some rain, and lots of truly amazing clouds. When the sun breaks out, the lighting is spectacular.  It’s not always easy to pull over on narrow country roads (in many places, it’s out and out unsafe!), so it can be handy to be a passenger in a car.  If you keep your shutter setting fast and keep your camera ready, you can take some amazing shots from within your moving vehicle, recording what you see without endangering anyone.

These shots were taken along the stretch of the Trail between Tidnish and Pugwash. So…if the weather hasn’t been what you had been hoping, take another look!


















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