Fort Beauséjour & Beau Basin

There’s a lot of history in the Beau Basin area of Nova Scotia. Fort Lawrence and Fort Beauséjour, New Brunswick are  often overlooked by the tourists, but it’s a beautiful area. Below is a view of Cumberland basin at sunset from the fort wall at Beauséjour.


This barn is near the marsh in West Amherst. Dykes originally built by the Acadians are still in use today to keep salt water off these fields we see below.Acadian marsh barn


These canons at Fort Beauséjour overlook the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick border and seem in range of the modern windmills.



So when you’re travelling by and stop to eat at the Schnitzelhaus in Aulac, remember this historic fort is only 1 minute away. It’s worth a look for sure. UPDATE: Sad to say, owners of the Schnitzelhaus retired in Feb. 2017 and closed.





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