Tidnish Dock

In 1875, a brilliant Canadian civil engineer, Henry Ketchum, conceived the idea of transporting vessels across the Isthmus of Chignecto by pulling them across a straight flat, 27km stretch of the isthmus by steam-powered locomotives. A ship would sail into a cradle that would be lifted onto the railway, would then make a 2.5 hr trip, from Tidnish Dock on the Northumberland Strait side of the isthmus to Fort Lawrence on the Fundy side, then the vessel and cradle would be lowered back into the water on the other side.

The 4 images below allow  360˙ navigation of the park:  Click and drag to view the scene in 360˙. Pinch and spread to zoom in or out on mobile, Shift Zoom in, Command Zoom out. on PC.

Tidnish Dock ParkTidnish Dock BoardwalkTidnish Dock HistoryTidnish Dock Beach







You can read about the history of the Chignecto Ship Railway on our Tidnish Bridge article. Ship Railway TextTidnish Dock_6338Tidnish Dock_6351



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